Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Witnessing History

There are no words to describe how I feel this morning so I'll simply post an email I sent to friends and family after the Iowa primary. We are witnessing history at this moment. Enough said.

Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 22:25:58 -0500
From: Me
To: Me
Subject: Primary Results - My thoughts

I haven't sent out one of my voting emails in a while. But, tonight, it feels appropriate I am thinking about my grandmother and what she would think if she were alive today.

When she died, my mom went through a lot of her papers and found some voting slips from the 40's and 50's. See, my grandmother voted in a time when Black people weren't supposed to. She wasn't highly educated or upper class. She was a maid, she caught the bus to the River Oaks area every day and worked in a white woman's kitchen. Voting was important enough to her that she was willing to PAY to exercise her right to vote. Poll taxes were 2.50 and she earned about 5.50 a day at the time. It is because of her that I will never take my right to vote for granted.

I think she's get a kick out of tonight's results. So, I don't care which candidate or party you support... please, support something. Be a part of the political process!