Books From My Childhood
I saw a post on an author's blog recently that posed the question: What are some of your favorite books from childhood. It made me think. Geeze, what are the books that I loved. So I made a list, and I'm wondering if kids are still reading these or not.
1) Nancy Drew Books
I loved the fact that there were 60+ books in the series and I wanted to read each and every one of them. My girlfriends remember the row of yellow books above my desk. Eventually, I grew out of this phase but I was obsessed with making it through the series for 2-3 years.
2) Where The Wild Things Are
This is a classic. I believe it started off as a bedtime story. Later, I would read t in bed, under the covers with a flashlight... The pictures alone are worth the price of the book.
3) Whistle for Willie
I'm a child of the seventies. This is one of the first books I remember that featured people of color. I couldn't whistle, but I wanted a sausage dog like Peter's! I wanted to live in a city like Peter's! I practiced spinning like Peter!
Are these books still popular? Do kids still fall in love with them? What are you favorites?