Monday, November 14, 2005

Books From My Childhood

I saw a post on an author's blog recently that posed the question: What are some of your favorite books from childhood. It made me think. Geeze, what are the books that I loved. So I made a list, and I'm wondering if kids are still reading these or not.

1) Nancy Drew Books
I loved the fact that there were 60+ books in the series and I wanted to read each and every one of them. My girlfriends remember the row of yellow books above my desk. Eventually, I grew out of this phase but I was obsessed with making it through the series for 2-3 years.

2) Where The Wild Things Are
This is a classic. I believe it started off as a bedtime story. Later, I would read t in bed, under the covers with a flashlight... The pictures alone are worth the price of the book.

3) Whistle for Willie
I'm a child of the seventies. This is one of the first books I remember that featured people of color. I couldn't whistle, but I wanted a sausage dog like Peter's! I wanted to live in a city like Peter's! I practiced spinning like Peter!

Are these books still popular? Do kids still fall in love with them? What are you favorites?


Gunfighter said...

"Where The WIld Things Are"

The Maurice Zendak classic! I loved that book as a kid!

Lisette M said...

Well, my boys are now 9 and 11, and Where the Wild Things are was always a favorite when they were younger. Recently during one of my interpreting assignments the teacher read Whistle for Willie to a group of young mothers that were learning how to read to their children. It was for me the first time I heard of the book and loved it.