Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy Graduation

This time of year always brings me back to a Sunday afternoon at the Paramount Theater in Oakland a few years(ahem) ago. A few hundred folks in gold caps and gowns celebrating their biggest acheivement in life thus far. Yes folks... high school graduation. You're excited, you've been "big man" on campus for the last year and hopefully, you're looking forward to college.

The Black Girl's Guide to College Success is a great resource for young women getting moving on to the next step in their academic career. Moving away from home or even going to college period can be a huge adjustment. The university doesn't call home and tell your parents if you miss too many 8am classes. You failed your first midterm? It's up to you to get back on track. The chapters about studying daily, maintaining a high GPA, getting a mentor and relationships are priceless. And the author also reminds the reader to have fun. College can be one of the best time's in a young person's life. You can explore your interests, join a new club, change your hair. I became a vegeterian one semester.

The Black Girl's Guide to College Success would make a great graduation gift for any young woman graduating from high school. My only complaint would be where is the guide for young men?

What's up next? Father's Day.

1 comment:

Blah Blah Blah said...

If they had one for young black men... I'd say I'd buy about 10 of them.
Too bad I don't know any teenage girls.

I am east Oakland! 55th 7 Seminary.